Alarm Monitoring System

It is the system which is supported till 2048 digital entries and 256 analogue entries and developed by our company. Scada software has been made by our company, too. The usage is very easy and it is easy to add additional alarms.
The system which has a communication support with VDR has a feature of being tracked from the distance and reporting. It can be tracked through the internet by adding suitable equipment.
Alarm Monitoring System

Alarm Monitoring System, It is the system which is supported till 2048 digital entries and 256 analogue entries and developed by our company ...
Alarm Tracking (Control) System

It is a simple version of Alarm Monitoring System. Data is tracked through the panels made of led lamps or operator panels and programmed...
General Alarm Warning System

It is an electronic unit with a micro-process that can ring 7 short and 1 long. In addition, an automatic ship leaving alarm on the device can be given...
Engine Order Telegraph

It is a unit with microprosses control and suitable to VDR, easy to use and have backlight (light from back) feature. Its communication industry standard is...
Vessel Whistle Control Panel

It is a whistle control unit with micro-process, CE certificate and complies with Solas rules. It has 5 kinds of ringing code with a choice of 60, 90 and 120. It is...
Hydraulic Door Controlling Systems

It is an electronic controlling system which has been developed for all kinds of hydraulic or electric excitation. This controlling system allows all the...
Pneumatic Control Systems

Main Engine pneumatic and electrical automatic start, automatic stop and pitch control systems have complete that system. Without any type or...
AVR Card

AVR Cards (Automatic Voltage Regulater) still operate on more than 2.500 generators. An extra setting at 50HZ, 60 HZ AVR Card Price List...
Signal Columns

Signal columns, which must in the engine room spaces, telegraph, fire alarm, general alarm, telephone, CO2, and other visual and audio signs are already gathered together...